The Chanvracor Hemp Bedding Initiative ( is the online store and web presence of Chanvra Materials. Our mission is to advance industrial hemp in America and satisfy the need for natural, reliable materials. Since 2017 we have been the USA distributor of the popular Aubiose hemp bedding products, and also one of the only companies supplying nonwoven hemp products. The intention of this website and our company is to validate the potential of industrial hemp by creating a provable market for it.

More than an online store, Chanvracor is a network dedicated to the satisfaction of the need for natural reliable materials all across the USA. We are an easy access vehicle to the reliable natural materials you need, whether its a quick purchase of hemp bedding that ships quickly to your door, a referall to someone we know can best help you, or bigger projects where you need the guarantee and muscle of a seasoned supplier like us.

Every move we make is driven by a mission of advancing and proving the potential of industrial hemp in America in a manner that benefits mankind with quality of life results and the satisfaction of the need for natural reliable materials. The idea behind our mission is that hemp- done properly- can help create a win-win environment between mankind and mother Earth; in this same manner, we seek to create a rippling win-win with all of our customers, partners, and everyone we impact!

Since 2017 we have striven to prove the reality of hemp by always having a regular and consistent supply of our high quality products known for their history; we have taken great pains to not break this promise a single time throughout our 7+ year history. Our mission of advancing industrial hemp and satisfying the need for natural reliable materials has been the driver for keeping these promises throughout some of the most difficult times.

Why we Focus on Hemp Bedding: We have seen that the lowest hanging fruit available for validating the potential of industrial hemp is demonstrating its ability to revolutionize the way we care for animals. This- and our role as the unique distributor of the supreme Aubiose hemp bedding product-  is why we have chosen to focus the theme of this website around hemp bedding. However, we specialize in utilizing industrial hemp in a diverse array of applications and can help you at any scale, whether you are a senior engineer at a large automotive components manufacturer, or a mom who wants a clean substrate for growing microgreens at home. No matter the scale, talk to us if you are serious about industrial hemp; we probably have what you need.

We are certain- as animal owners who have spent years talking to people, troubleshooting issues, and learning the best practices from Europe- that when America is properly informed about the magic of hemp bedding, it will quickly generate a massive wave of demand that will fuel the greater advancement of industrial hemp in America, and provide support for the other industries and directions that can emerge.

Presently all of the hemp that we sell is grown in France. Some people are surprised to hear this. “Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of what you’re trying to do?” (Advancing industrial hemp in America) Not really, because a proven market is what American hemp farmers need. A partnership with a French producer turned out to be the only way to guarantee a real, reliable, consistent supply of quality industrial hemp materials, and now we have customers all over North America who rely on us for that. Our obvious long term goal is to supply all of our customers with locally grown American hemp that meets our same trusted guarantee. We are advancing partnerships to create American production of our products.

Our high quality imported product has done an exceptional job priming the pump of the market, allowing us to make guarantees we never would have been able to make in the early days of the USA’s hemp industry. We expect it to continue to support us in keeping supply promises into the future. In fact, it is the support and muscle of Aubiose that allows us to push the envelope of possibilities of industrial hemp in a more concentrated fashion than perhaps anyone else is capable of today. We use this advantage and tie it to our mission of advancing industrial hemp and satisfying the need for natural reliable materials.

With Aubiose tied to our mission, the proof of concept we can create is the greatest possible impact we can have. With hemp bedding in particular, it is easy to show that the more people who use it, the better, because it will help everyone- the barn owners, everyone using or affected by the product, the farmers, the land, the economy, even the wood shavings companies.

Industrial hemp is the win-win crop of the 21st century and we are here to extend that benefit to all seekers of natural, reliable materials. It is an ideal foundation for a 21st century rooted in ecological and cultural regeneration!


Aubiose Hemp Bedding 20KGIndustrial Hemp | Chanvracor | Aubiose

Hemp Nonwovens

Catherine Tyree with Horse

Aubiose Bedding 20kg