Aubiose Hemp Horse Bedding | Pallet(s)


Aubiose is the lowest dust shavings material money can buy. Some users have noticed that switching to Aubiose is the only way to completely eliminate the smell of ammonia in their barns, this is due to the powerful absorbency of the product.

One pallet is usually enough to set-up one stall and maintain it for 3 months. Price includes delivery to your door for 22 bags of high quality hemp bedding (44 lb bags).

*Click here to request a wholesale discount for 2+ pallets! *

Learn More About Aubiose Hemp Horse Bedding Here

Endorsed by international showjumper Catherine Tyree

Our hemp is expertly grown in France with sustainable, chemical-free agriculture methods. Hemp has always been grown in France and the producers of Aubiose have been processing hemp for more than 50 years! This is why their product quality is unbelievably good. Now they are working on producing the same products and same guaranteed quality on American soil. 

* Important for Ordering: Please Enter a Working Phone Number at Checkout! The Freight Driver will need it to schedule a Delivery! Lift Gate Service is Included!

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View our Usage Guide to Get the Most out of this Bedding


Hemp Horse Bedding: The Original Brand

Since 1985, Aubiose has been revolutionizing the horse care industry and providing many horse owners with savings in time, labour, and money. This hemp horse bedding works by soaking up liquids in a small area, at the base of the bed. This effectively controls ammonia odors and reduces the chance of wet bedding being mixed in with the dry. The top layer of the bed remains warm, soft, and dry for your horse.

There is no better solution for allergies and respiratory sensitivities!

The Gold Standard of Hemp Horse Bedding

The Highest Quality Hemp Bedding On The Market, Guaranteed!

Produced by a generational lineage of expert hemp farmers, no other product can compare to the gold standard of Aubiose. Naturally extremely absorbent and rigorously dedusted, Aubiose is virtually dust free and unparalleled in Quality.

An unrivaled performance in your stalls.

Economical When Managed Properly

Requires 7-10 Times Less Bedding than Pine
Learn The Aubiose Deep Litter Method For The Most Cost Effective Performance
View our Usage Guide Here

Low Maintenance & Composts Readily for Easy Disposal!

This high performance bedding system can be maintained with minimal maintenance. After the initial setup, you only need to add a small amount of bedding every week.

Switching to Aubiose dramatically cuts down the cost of manure removal. 100% naturally cultivated hemp, Aubiose is a fully biodegradable and chemical free material, which composts readily without the need for added composting agents. The relatively small amount of Aubiose muck- compared to the waste produced from pine- can be spread into your garden or back into the pasture.